New Dinghy S/V DreamChaser9 years agoDeb and I had always thought it would be great to have one of those dinghy's with a little steering wheel and a bit more comfortable rid... 0 Comments 2 minuteRead
Good ole' Crawfish Boil with our Marina Friends and Neighbors S/V DreamChaser9 years agoToday was a great day. Last weekend, Deb and I made salmon for dinner and ate up at the picnic table with the girls (grand-squids). We inv... 0 Comments 2 minuteRead
5 ways to use Butyl tape to keep the water OUT of your boat S/V DreamChaser9 years ago See 5 ways of using Butyl Tape to keep water out of your boat through leaking deck hardware, ports, hatches and all the other places that w... 0 Comments 1 minuteRead
Site Seeing in Destin Florida with the Grand Squids S/V DreamChaser9 years agoWe decided it would be a nice thing to do over spring break to take the girls for a little bit of a vacation. We opted for a trip to Destin ... 0 Comments 6 minuteRead
Visiting Melbourne Australia S/V DreamChaser9 years agoIt has been busy for me at work and traveling lately. The latest of this proof is last week when I posted about a trip that had come up for... 0 Comments 2 minuteRead