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The Lake Ponchatrain Causeway Bridge

From where we are staying to get to New Orleans or the Airport, we drive North and South on the LPCB which is 23.8 miles long from start to end. There are 2 high spots that boats of some size can get under.  With our bridge clearance, we would have to have the draw bridge raised to get under in DreamChaser.

Since 1969, it was listed by Guinness World Records as the longest bridge over water in the world; in 2011 in response to the opening of the allegedly longer Jiaozhou Bay Bridge in China, Guinness created two categories for bridges over water: continuous and aggregate lengths over water. Lake Pontchartrain Causeway then became the longest bridge over water (continuous) while Jiaozhou Bay Bridge the longest bridge over water (aggregate)
We decided to take a little fast motion video of the trip across the bridge (and then to grab something from storage as well.

Click here for more information on the bridge and the history from the Hurricane Katrina


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