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Life on board has been very different for Deb and I the last 6 months.  With the grandkids moving aboard the boat, we have been doing a lot more things that they would enjoy more so then boat projects.  While that has been cool and fun to do, it is definitely different than the way we prioritized our time when it was just the two of us.  One of the big things is getting out and doing a bit more, which is good as we were getting to the point where we just worked on the boat and that felt like about all we did.  With the kids on board, we definitely try to spend time entertaining them a bit more which in turn entertains us.

So let me start with a little introduction of the 2 kiddos.  I use nicknames all the time so you will hear me refer to them as many different names, but this will clear up who is who.   Our 10 year old grand-daughter Chasity is in the photo above.  She is a fun loving kiddo, who has a great imagination and often times can and does occupy herself with drawing, writing and watching funny videos on the internet.  She loves to ride her bike, scooter and go for rides in the dinghy.  I have always been very close to Chasity as she and her mom (my daughter) lived with us until Chasity was about 3 years old. I often call her Chaz, Chazzie McPhee, Bosun, First Mate, Sport, Squirt, Squid and Grandsquid.

The other is McKinlee, pictured here sitting on Deb's lap on our first ride on the new Dinghy.  She is just over 2 years old and is a little cutie pie with her blue eyes and blonde hair.  She loves to watch her tv show called Bubble Guppies and really enjoys running in the grass near the marina and has not problem wearing her life jacket any time she it up top or on the docks.  I often call her Swab, Squid, Mac, Mackie, and we don't do it too often now, but she used to be called "Cheeks" because of her chubby little cheeks when she was younger.

Both girls have kept us busy and continue to remind us how much we have forgotten about raising kiddo's since it has been so long since ours were this age.

With that intro out of the way, I would imagine you understand now how the tone and topics of our posts on the youtube channel and the blog have taken on more of a family friendly vibe.  :)  It also means a bit less time for boat projects which we are still doing the difference is in most cases, we do a few hours of boat projects a week only so they are much longer to complete than before.    By way of example, I am starting to insulate the overheads down below to help let the air conditioners run a bit better in the summer heat.  At the pace I am going, I will have it all insulated with new overheards installed by the time summer is over rather than early in the summer.

This week, we did a bit of dinghy exploring and even took a road trip to the Houston area to pick up our Golf Cart and bring it back here.  I figure it will be a nice alternative than getting in the car to go places and a way to supplement the bike riding we have been doing lately.

This week Deb made some awesome pasta for dinner, we re-sealated the drop in freezer lid to get the temperature to drop down quite a bit and spent some time playing on the water and exploring in the dinghy up the bayou's and rivers around us.

Check out this weeks video at the link below.

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