Finally out on the water again !!!
We are going to sail our other boat Last Affair from Houston to New Orleans. We have the little ones on their first multi-day trip so will be taking it easy and running on the inside (interCoastal water ways rather than open ocean).
We prepped the boat this week for 2 days and took off about noon today.
As we passed out through the Clear Lake channel, our friends were having lunch on the upper patio at Outriggers and snapped this picture of us going by.
As we hit the Bay, we knew we would have some chop from the steady 20-25 knot winds out of the South (on our nose) and we did. Deb took the helm for quite a while so I could go figure out how to transfer the course I had plotted from one software to another. It has been a while since I used the instruments on this boat and was using a different route planning software so didn't think about this until we were already under way.tje girls were enjoying watching the Dolphins jump in the wake of the large ships as they would go by.
while we were out we ran parallel to the Shipping Channel which will keep you on your toes and watching the AIS screen at the helm (Automatic identification of Ships) The dedicated screen shows the ship name, course and speed over ground, destination, and closest point of approach. It is very handy.
We didn't go very far today and only stopped at the Galveston Yacht Basin for the night and will take off early in the morning (6:30) to start our way to our next stop tomorrow. That will be Pleasure Island near Port Arthur and east on the Sabine Pass.
Tonight when we pulled in, we tidied up the boat including a good wash down from her salt spray while Deb fixed dinner. It was a nice relaxing meal, everyone was going to bed early and I stayed up for a little while finalizing our course for the next day along with our planned and secondary anchorages.
Safe boating everyone, tomorrow we will travel in "The Ditch" as the ICW is known as.
We prepped the boat this week for 2 days and took off about noon today.
As we passed out through the Clear Lake channel, our friends were having lunch on the upper patio at Outriggers and snapped this picture of us going by.
while we were out we ran parallel to the Shipping Channel which will keep you on your toes and watching the AIS screen at the helm (Automatic identification of Ships) The dedicated screen shows the ship name, course and speed over ground, destination, and closest point of approach. It is very handy.
Safe boating everyone, tomorrow we will travel in "The Ditch" as the ICW is known as.